Born and bred in Ingham where members of her family have lived since emigrating from Italy in the 1920’s Madeleine is a country girl at heart. She attended Trebonne State Primary School and Ingham State High School graduating in 2004 and 2009 respectively. After taking an 18 month gap year (working in the finance industry) Madeleine undertook a Bachelor of Laws at James Cook University graduating in 2015. She then continued her studies in 2016, completing a Graduate Diploma of Education and the Practical Legal Training at the College of Law in 2017/2018, before returning to Ingham State High School in 2018 as Miss D’Urso.
In her spare time Madeleine is a maker, enjoying many crafty hobbies including sewing, knitting, gardening, soap making, jam making, cooking and most importantly watching television.
Madeleine is a member of the Rotary Club of Hinchinbrook and former President and Secretary of the Rotaract Club of Ingham, the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, St Patrick’s Catholic Parish, is 25% of the team that runs the annual Catholic Debutante Ball, a fierce show competitor and a soon to be CWA lady.
Donnie Harris is an Accredited Specialist in Business Law (Qld) and has experience in delivering quality legal services to business owners throughout Queensland.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
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