Meggan started working in an administrative role and as a Law Clerk at the beginning of 2024 at Donnie Harris Law. Upon graduating High School in 2021, she began studying a Bachelor of Laws with James Cook University in 2022. During her first two years of studying, she worked in political administration roles. Meggan works part-time while she completes her studies and aims to begin her Practical Legal Training with the College of Law in 2025. Meggan has taken a keen interest in areas of Family, Criminal and Civil Law and hopes to broaden her knowledge in all areas of law.
When not in the office Meggan enjoys spending time with friends and family down in the Burdekin, and maintaining her health and fitness through various outdoor activities.
Donnie Harris is an Accredited Specialist in Business Law (Qld) and has experience in delivering quality legal services to business owners throughout Queensland.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
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