You have entered into a contract, either verbally or partly verbal and in writing, or just in writing and then suddenly the contract is terminated, and you are contemplating who is the best contract lawyer in town. Act quickly, as the other party will be thinking the same thing and will be reaching for their phone to contact the best contract lawyer they know.
We are your best contract lawyers. We know contract law. We act for business owners who are regularly involved in contract disputes.
We have prepared various claims including those involving repudiation, breaches of contract, warranty claims, restraints of trade and other contract related litigation.
We can quickly advise you on the strategy that needs to be adopted to maximise your prospects of success.
We can assist you to mitigate any further loss or damage which may arise from the breach of contract.
It is important you don’t delay in getting advice though. Any delay could prejudice your rights and may even constitute an acceptance of the other party’s conduct or reasons for terminating the contract.
If you receive a letter asking you to cease and desist or accusing you of defamation, you should immediately contact our defamation lawyers to discuss how to manage your risks and to deal with the accusations in the letter. Do not ignore the letter and do not attempt to resolve the matter without legal advice.
Donnie Harris is an Accredited Specialist in Business Law (Qld) and has experience in delivering quality legal services to business owners throughout Queensland.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
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