Industrial Relations and Employment Law

When handling industrial relations and employment law matters, Donnie Harris Law has experience assisting both employers and employees.

Legal Advice for Employers

For employers, we can assist you with:

  • Drafting Employment Agreements
  • Enforcement of Employment Agreements
  • Award Advice including the better off overall test, award conditions and varying award conditions
  • Enterprise Bargaining Agreements
  • Terminating an employee, how to do it fairly and in accordance with the law
  • Making employees redundant
  • Business advice for re-structuring your company correctly. It is always recommended to consult an experienced solicitor when making changes that will affect your workforce
  • Defending Unfair Dismissal and other claims arising from termination of employment.

Business Contracts

We understand that your business is important and one of your most important assets are your employees.  We also understand that employee issues can have a substantial and lasting impact on your business.

We can draft employment contracts to provide you with certainty in regulating the employment relationship.  We know the importance of including obligations like confidentiality and restraints of trade in employment contracts.  Intellectual property is also another area that is too often overlooked but is an important asset of the business which should be dealt with in the employment contract.

When it comes to disputes, we can help you get through the complexity and stress of managing a termination, redundancy or employment dispute and the fall out that may arise.

Legal Advice for Employees

For employees, we can assist you with:

  • Reviewing your Employment Agreement to ensure it is fair
  • Challenging contract provisions
  • Reviewing your working conditions to ensure you are being treated correctly
  • Unfair dismissal and breaches of the Employment Agreement
  • Reviewing redundancies to determine whether you have received what you are entitled to.

If you believe you have been dismissed unfairly, it is best to act quickly. Strict time limits apply to unfair dismissal claims.

Arrange an appointment

Make no mistake, we value you as a client and we want to provide you with a dedicated, trusted and effective legal service. Call us to arrange to meet with a lawyer or fill in the contact form and we will get in touch.

07 4724 1016

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