When handling industrial relations and employment law matters, Donnie Harris Law has experience assisting both employers and employees.
For employers, we can assist you with:
We understand that your business is important and one of your most important assets are your employees. We also understand that employee issues can have a substantial and lasting impact on your business.
We can draft employment contracts to provide you with certainty in regulating the employment relationship. We know the importance of including obligations like confidentiality and restraints of trade in employment contracts. Intellectual property is also another area that is too often overlooked but is an important asset of the business which should be dealt with in the employment contract.
When it comes to disputes, we can help you get through the complexity and stress of managing a termination, redundancy or employment dispute and the fall out that may arise.
For employees, we can assist you with:
If you believe you have been dismissed unfairly, it is best to act quickly. Strict time limits apply to unfair dismissal claims.
Donnie Harris is an Accredited Specialist in Business Law (Qld) and has experience in delivering quality legal services to business owners throughout Queensland.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
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