Our business lawyers appreciate business clients and provide quality, sensible and timely business legal services. Perhaps you have been in business for a short time or many years. Maintaining your business, ensuring its success, growing and maintaining its reputation are priorities for you as a business owner. How you do this involves a number of different areas and professionals. We are business lawyers who pride ourselves in being advisors to business owners. We provide quality and sensible advice about various issues which concern the ongoing operations of a business.
Maintaining the goodwill and reputation of the business involves various areas. Just one example is to think about your employment contracts. Are your employees bound by confidentiality or can they denigrate your business on facebook? Are your employees bound by a restraint or can they resign and start up a competing business tomorrow? Are you protecting your goodwill by registering your trading names as business names, your logos as trademarks? Are you monitoring what people are saying about your business on social media and taking action where it is defamatory?
Then of course there are the dealings you have with your customers. Are you using trading terms? Do you use trading terms which improve your success of recovering amounts owed? Do they protect you to the extent lawfully possible from customer claims (limitation of liability provisions)?
Then there are your suppliers. They will want to get paid sooner rather than later and often before you get paid by your customers. They will want you to sign their trading terms and often to give a personal guarantee. Have you thought about how giving that personal guarantee impacts on your asset protection and business structure? Is that personal guarantee reasonable or does it allow your supplier to lodge a caveat over your home?
We want our clients to be successful in business which means we enjoy assisting them with issues as they arise. Maintaining the goodwill, reputation and value of a business is an ongoing responsibility which requires knowledge and experience in many areas. Our business lawyers have that knowledge and experience.
Donnie Harris is an Accredited Specialist in Business Law (Qld) and has experience in delivering quality legal services to business owners throughout Queensland.
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